Docs and Search Engines

Stop Search Engines from Crawling Docs content

Search engines can (and will) index your articles if your site is public. Add this bit of code to the Insert <head> Code section located on the Docs settings page at Manage > Docs > [Your Docs Site] > Custom Code to tell search engines that you don't want them to index your site.

<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">

Customize Docs URLs

You can edit the slugs of your articles — the part of the address or URL that is after the article number — to add keywords and optimize them for search. When you create an article, the slug will automatically populate with a match to the article title, but you can always manually edit that. 

You can always edit the slug later too! The slug appears next to the link icon at the top of the article in the Docs editor — just click in the field and type your new slug.

For example, this article's URL is is the slug there. 

The slug is the only part of an article's URL that is editable. 

Generating a sitemap

We automatically generate a sitemap.xml for your Docs site. You can view it in your browser simply by adding /sitemap.xml after your Docs URL in the address bar. 

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