Cancel Your Help Scout Account

We're sorry to see you go! Only the account owner can cancel the account, and if you're sure you want to cancel, please remember that there's no turning back — the account will be terminated immediately.

As soon as you click Delete Account, your account will be inaccessible.

Make sure to export your data before canceling. 

All account data will be permanently deleted 60 days after the account is canceled.

Cancel Your Account


Click your avatar or initials in the right corner of the top navigation menu, then select Your Plan.


Click the red Delete Account link at the bottom of the page.

Choose the reason you're canceling your account, then click Delete Account to immediately cancel your account. 

Remember: your account will be completely inaccessible as soon as you click this button, so you want to make sure you've saved any data you want from the account before you click!

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