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213 articles found

  • Create a Microsurvey Message

    Messages offers the option to conduct customer-engaging microsurveys wherever you've installed your Beacon. From a quick thumbs up or thumbs down poll, multiple options to choose from, or even free

  • Customize Basic and Advanced Beacon Settings

    From the Customize tab, you can change some basic Beacon settings, or update a few advanced settings to get the look and feel of your Beacon just right. Let’s take a closer look at these settings.

  • Set Company Office Hours

    If you occasionally close up shop, then you might want to set your company's Office Hours in Help Scout. That way you can review data and automatically respond to customers based on the times you're

  • Create a Smart Contact Form With Beacon

    Add custom fields to Beacon to offer your visitors a smarter contact form to touch base with you and set up automations based on the form selections. Custom fields is a feature available to Plus and

  • Create and Manage Docs Collections and Categories

    This article will help you understand the basic organizational structure within Docs. You'll also learn how to manage collections and categories. In this article What Are Collections and Categories?

  • Create and Manage Docs Redirects

    A redirect is a way to send both visitors and search engines to a different URL from the one they originally requested. This might be another URL in your Docs site, or another address on the web.

  • Manual Workflows

    Manual workflows allow you to execute multiple actions on a conversation in just a couple of clicks. This can save your team time as well as ensure consistency across the team. If you're just getting

  • Add Analytics Code to Track Docs Visitors

    Web analytics show you a custom view of what's happening on your Docs site. It's helpful if you're wanting to track data such as page views, bounce rates, or the geographical location of your

  • Add Beacon to a Shopify Site

    Shopify is an ecommerce platform that has everything you need to sell online. Beacon provides on demand Docs, chat, and an email contact form rolled into one helpful widget you can plug right into

  • Beacon Embedded Articles

    Embedded Articles allow you to open a Docs Article via any link or button in your web-based app or website, where ever you may need it. There are four different attributes you can choose from to open

  • Auto-forward From a Google Workspace Group

    If you already have a Google Workspace (formerly known as G Suite) Group you've been using, you will need to add your Help Scout email address as a member of the group and you may need to adjust some

  • DMARC and Help Scout

    DMARC is an email authentication standard that's used to help protect a domain from fraudulent email. A DMARC policy helps prevent spam or "spoof" emails that appear to be coming from your domain by

  • Create a Modal Message

    NEW A modal Message will show over your regular site or web-based app's content, allowing you to place a notice front and center that has to be clicked or dismissed to continue. Use a modal Message